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Chihuahua Cedric Gets Amazing Fan Art In His P

Send me mail my friends!

🥰 P.O Box address:

Chihuahua Cedric
Brossard QC
J4Z 3R6

You can send me fan mail! Always mention your name and user name and the platform (youtube) This way I can find you and thank you and mention you in a fan mail opening video 🥰

🥰 Cedric’s Merch Store :

Cedric eats Open Farm dog food for breakfast, it keeps him happy and healthy! Highly recommend this to my picky eater fur friends with tunny issues 🥰
Open Farm
15%off discount code: CEDRIC

NEW! 🥰 Sign up for Cedric’s Friend List here:

🥰 Cedric approved products and his affiliate discount codes :

Open Farm Dog Food ( Picky Cedric approved superior quality dog food )
15%off discount code: CEDRIC

Doggy Bathroom ( Indoor dog potty that Cedric loves )
10% off discount code: CEDRIC10

DoggoRamps ( Small Dog Bed Ramp that Cedric uses every single day )
15% OFF discount code : CEDRIC15

Cheeky & Pawdorable Tiny Dog Harnesses
20% OFF code : CEDRIC20

🥰 Thank you for watching!

Cedric is a long haired chihuahua who was born in Estonia and now lives in Canada with his loving owners. Sometimes he stars in youtube videos, showing off his mighty skills and magical cuteness. Every day he stars on Instagram, posing for cute pictures and telling the world about his life!

🥰 Follow my daily life on:

INSTAGRAM: @chihuahuacedric

TIKTOK: @chihuahuacedricofficial

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/aboutadogpage


View Orginal Video here.

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