In this cute video chihuahua dogs are driving a car and playing.
Chihuahua Sõprade Liit (The Union of the Friends of Chihuahuas) in Estonia has for years now organized play dates where small dogs can learn tricks, play and run through a custom-made miniature agility course, hide in tunnels and even drive a car! We also teach chihuahuas how to solve funny and educating puzzle games meant for dogs. It’s a great opportunity for small dogs to socialize and be active. Our dogs wear specially designed pants, that help keep the room clean and teach the dogs to not mark their territory indoors.
Overall a hundred dogs and puppies have attended the playing sessions organized by Chihuahua Sõprade Liit. Since owners of some other small dog breeds were also interested in these practices, two dachshunds, a Moscow Toy Terrier (long-haired Russian Toy Terrier), two Yorkshire Terriers (Yorkie), two Pomeranians (Dwarf Spitz, Pom), a West Highland White Terrier (Westie) and even two Springer Spaniels joined in. We invite the sponsors of our union to present different products for dogs. This time it was games meant for small dogs.
It’s saddening that small lap dogs are often considered as stupid, because this is far from the truth. Chihuahua is an intelligent dog breed and a fast learner and so are Yorkies and Pomeranians. Interestingly enough, more often than once, dogs with problem behavior are the quickest to learn new tricks.
Dog trainer: Krista Laanet
Video: Indrek Kraus |
#chihuahua #dog #dogtricks
Chihuahua Sõprade Liit korraldab juba mitmendat aastat paaril korral kuus sülekoertele mõeldud mängutundi. See on suurepärane võimalus oma koera sotsialiseerida ning talle rõõmu pakkuda. Koerad saavad ruumis vabalt joosta väikestel takistustel, peita ennast tunnelisse ja mängida väikestele koertele mõeldud nuputamismängudel ja sõita isegi autoga!
Mängutunnis on käinud kolme aasta vältel kokku üle saja koera ja kutsika lustimas. Kuna huvi hakkasid tundma ka teiste väikesekasvuliste tõgude omanikud, mängivad koos meiega kaks taksi, Moskva toy terjer (pikakarvaline Vene toy terjer), kaks Yorkshire terjerit (Yorkie), kaks pomeraniani, West highland white terjer (westie) ja isegi kaks springerspanjelit. Kutsume oma tundi meie liitu toetavaid ettevõtteid tutvustamaks koertele suunatud tooteid, sellel korral tutvusime uute nuputamismängudega.
Väikest kasvu sülekoeri, eriti chihuahuat, peetakse rumalateks ja see kurvastab, sest see ei ole tõsi. Chihuahuad on intelligentsed ja väga kiired õppijad, niisamuti ka yorkied ja pomeranianid. Olen tähele pannud, et probleemselt käituvad koerad õpivad tihti trikke väga kiiresti.
Treener: Krista Laanet
Video: Indrek Kraus
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